In Greece, the St. Cyril and Methodius Day is celebrated on May 11. In cooperation with Aristotle University and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the city of Thessaloniki organized several events from May 9 to May 11, 2022. One of them was the international conference “The Thessalonian Brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius and their Contribution to the Development of European Culture” where Peter Ivanič, Hilda Kramáreková and Alfred Krogmann presented their paper “European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius – Current Perspectives and Future Possibilities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia”. The presentation was an output from the Horizon 2020 project Social and Innovative Platform on Cultural Tourism and its Potential Towards Deepening Europeanization (SPOT). The conference program also included vespers in the Church of St. Cyril and Methodius where one of the relics of St. Cyril is kept. Assoc. prof. Angeliki Delikari from Aristotle University, who has long-term cooperation with Slovakia, was the main organizer of the event. Our colleagues from the local university also spiced up our stay with a visit to the Old Town and information about the mechanisms of cultural tourism in Thessaloniki and Greece.
Text: Peter Ivanič, Hilda Kramáreková, Alfred Krogmann
Photo: Peter Ivanič, Hilda Kramáreková, Jiří Balát, Peter Sýkora
Photo: Peter Ivanič, Hilda Kramáreková, Jiří Balát, Peter Sýkora